Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Night Special: Neufchatel

Hello readers!

I've decided that since Tuesday nights are "Chopped" nights, that I should take the time to highlight one of the weird or more obscure ingredients used that day, for our own culinary edification. However, I spent tonight watching women's hoops (Good game, Irish! We'll get it next year!), so I can't tell you what they used on the show, but Jim has given me some inspiration with his cupcake creation.

I bring you...Neufchatel!

Jim was inspired to use Neufchatel cheese to replace cream cheese in his "Georgetown Cupcake"-like frosting.
Let's do the run down on this delicious and versatile ingredient.

Who invented it? The French, of course. These purveyors of fantastic moldy delicacies reportedly started making this particular delicacy as early as the 6th Century!

What does it taste like? Said to taste like a saltier Camembert, French versions are thicker and fattier than American ones.

When should I use it? In place of cream cheese, when you're looking for an extra tangy or salty punch. It also has more moisture content than traditional Philadelphia-style cream cheeses, so use it to up the ante in luxurious recipes. I might suggest some Neufchatel-based cheesecake or Jim's Neufchatel frosting. A quick search will turn up suggestions for use in dips and dessert sauces too. Be creative!

Why is it often confused with regular American cream cheese? Because cream cheese (think Philadelphia) was created when New York dairy dude William Lawrence attempted to recreate Neufchatel in the 1870s.

Where can I buy it? Most neighborhood mega-marts now carry Neufchatel. Watch out though, it may be masquerading as "Farmer's Cheese", so browse carefully.

That's it for the first edition of my Tuesday Night Special. Bon Appetit!


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